
More Twitter Characters Can Help You Build Your Team

When it comes to recruitment, there is no denying that Twitter has a role to play in promoting a position, engaging with the right people and bringing talent into a company. This is why the fact that there has been a big change in Twitter is likely to be of interest to many who use this platform in their recruitment activities.

While it hasn’t been rolled out for everyone, you will likely have seen that a select number of Twitter users and profiles have access to 280 characters in a single tweet. This is double the current length which means that you can say twice as much in just one tweet. As you’d expect, there have been complaints about this with a lot of folk saying that brevity is the real factor in the success of Twitter but you can also see why having the ability to say a lot more in a single tweet is of benefit. Just because it is possible to use 280 characters doesn’t meant that you should use the fully amount, especially if you don’t have enough content to fill it.

You can be more persuasive when you have more characters

However, if you are looking to post a job vacancy and you are in a position where you can use 280 characters, you can see that this will be of benefit. Knowing that you can provide more detail or create a stronger outline means that Twitter could be a more suitable option for you when it comes to using social media to fill a vacancy. At this point in time, you can use images or video content, and links to provide more information but by being able to offer more information in the actual post itself, you will be able to make a more persuasive argument for the post you are looking to fill.

You’ll find that some small firms struggle to get their foot in the door and make an immediate impact. You need to grab attention quickly but you also need to make sure that you provide people with enough information and persuasion to move forward or take some form of action. Once you have someone on your job vacancy page and you have outlined what you are looking for, there is a very good chance that the person will apply or take things further but of course, you need to move them into that position in the first place.

Having more characters on Twitter may be great for your social life, allowing you to tell longer anecdotes or provide more information to your friends but as with many things, it is the business use that will likely lead to the biggest impact. There is a great deal to be said for using Twitter as part of your recruitment strategy anyway but if the 280 character limit is rolled out across the platform, there may be more opportunities for firms to reach out to potential employees, and this means it should be on your radar.

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